Starting your first project

Create new project

Creating a new project is very easy. Just click New Project button:

Toolbar with new project button selected.
Toolbar with new project button selected.

If you are an independent programmer and you work linear on one branch of code, it is recommended to add the project in your source repository. Then when you switch to the older version of sources you will have access to the project status from that time. You will know exactly what you were working on. What errors were repaired at the time and which ones were not. Another option is a dedicated repository for project management.

Project information

After creating the project, it is worth completing the basic information about it. You can do this by clicking the About project icon:

Toolbar with about project button selected.
Toolbar with about project button selected.

On the Info tab, give the name and description of the project:

About project window - info tab
About project window – info tab

On the Settings tab you can adjust the program operation to your project management preferences:

Project settings
Project settings

Kanban WIP limits

One of the most important things is setting the In progress card limit. I know from experience that the independent programmer should not exceed the value 3. Setting to 0 disables the limit.

The default cards position

For each kanban list, we can determine where cards will appear after adding card or changing status. Default for the New, Accepted, In progress lists, cards will appear at the end. And for Done, Archive, Deleted at the beginning.

Save the project

Agile Commander store project data on common file format JSON. To write the project use shortcut Ctrl+S or press Save project button:

Toolbar with save project button selected.
Toolbar with save project button selected.

If you need to write the project under other name, click Save project as button:

Toolbar with save project as button selected.
Toolbar with save project as button selected.

Project files have .agic extension.

Open the project

To load the project you may use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+O or click Open project button:

Toolbar with open project button selected.
Toolbar with open project button selected.

Additionally you can specify the start behavior of the application in the configuration:

  • do not open any project
  • display the selected project – each time the selected project will be opened
  • display the last used project – last opened before the application was shut down project will be loaded

